The RSP-Z2 combines the capabilities of the company’s network extension unit (NXU) and analog radio adapter (ARA products). The RSP-Z2 supports SIP, RTP, RoIP, PSTN and radio connections allowing public safety agencies to communicate with a vast array of communication devices using a single interoperable platform.
The RSP-Z2 works on a Linux operating system, includes a smart phone and tablet interface, connects to the company’s wide area interoperability system (WAIS) and supports SIP/ROIP pass-through, radio relays, a SIP/ROIP net with two radios and PSTN to radio communications.
The device is operable in three modes – a stand-alone mode, a remote extension mode and the controller mode. In stand-alone mode, users can monitor and control the remote radios connected by the RSP-Z2. Remote extension mode allows users to monitor and control the assets cabled to the modules and also remote radios brought into the system using the RSP-Z2. Controller mode allows users to connect multiple RSP-Z2s together to form nets regardless of physical location via a web interface.